
finally getting back to it

Yep, it's definitely been a while.  But I've got a pretty good excuse... of the new baby variety!  He's been keeping me busy and away from the bench, but I'm happy to report that my longing for making (and orders I can no longer put off!) has returned and I'm slowly getting back into it when time allows.

To kick it off I've got some new beach glass pieces in great colours I've not had before!

These soft pink pieces are the more rare American Depression era type glass.  During the Depression glassware was produced in the cheapest colours and given as a bonus with food purchases.  Whole and not beachy pieces are now quite collectable, but this beautiful matte finish is only achievable after being tumbled around in the ocean for about 70 years!

And this UV milk glass (otherwise known as Jadeite in the glass world, but not be confused with the real gemstone of course) is just so awesome, but unfortunately I didn't have a UV bulb to show you how it glows in the dark!  Luckily it looks beautiful in natural light too.  These will be the first opaque pieces in my collection.

So I'm not sure when but I'll be sure to post some photos of the finished pieces!